The American Dialect Society does not and will not ever trade, give, sell, rent, loan, or otherwise pass along your personal information to another company or organization, except as noted below.
We well know what it’s like to make a contribution to one organization only to be deluged with solicitations from other organizations. So, we don’t do that. All details of your transactions with us will be protected by us up to the extent allowed by law.
Your membership in the society and your subscription to its publications are also governed by the privacy policy of Duke University Press. Please review that policy here. Your membership and subscription information is shared by Duke University Press with the American Dialect Society so that, together, both organizations may fulfill the terms of your membership and subscription.
As part of your membership and to facilitate scholarly communication and correspondence, membership and subscription rolls and their corresponding contact information may be shared among American Dialect Society members. This information is not shared on any public platform.
Some members have also elected to share their professional contact information on our media queries page. If you’d like to make a change to that page, please contact us.
If you have questions about any of this, email us