A Discussion Workshop on Preparation of Sociolinguistic Corpus Archives

In view of all the recent discussion of the difficulties of adapting sociolinguistic methods to permit corpora to be archived for further study, and for possible inclusion in future “panel” (or “trend”) corpora, a workshop entitled “Satellite Workshop for Sociolinguistic Archival Preparation” will precede the winter meeting of the LSA. We are grateful for NSF funding (BCS#1144480), and LDC funding which have been made available for this workshop!

The Satellite Workshop for Sociolinguistic Archival Preparation will precede the 86th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Portland, Oregon in 4-5 of January, 2012. The Workshop will begin at 10am on Wednesday, January 4 and continue through 3:00 PM on Thursday, January 5, and will be followed immediately by the full LSA, which continues until Sunday. You may register for the workshop by following the instructions below.

Please note that this session will begin at 10am on Wed, and will continue until the 4pm session of LSA/ADS on Thursday, so book your room and flights accordingly! The program for the workshop found at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. by midOctober.

Charges: Note that the fee for LSA covers registration for the Satellite Workshop as well as for the LSA Meeting itself. More information about the LSA Meeting, as well as about the workshop can be found at http://www.lsadc.org/info/meet-annual.cfm (a preliminary program will be available in mid-October).

Registrants should go to the following link: http://www.lsadc.org/meetings/registration1.cfm?type=ssm.

Please note: for the “Choose Sister Society” field, you will select “Satellite Workshop for Sociolinguistic Archival Preparation” from the dropdown menu; the “Sister Society Passcode” is ARCHPREP2012 (all caps). You will be charged LSA member registration rates, which are $165 (regular/emeritus) or $60 (student).

When all information is completed, click the “Submit” button, check that all your information has been entered correctly, and click the “Confirm” button.

The Program:

The projected program for the workshop can be found on the LSA website as of mid-October. If you have specific questions about registration address them to David Robinson (drobinson@lsadc.org). There will be a certain amount of student funding [for which see below]. If you have a question about the planned fellowships or the specific program, please email Malcah@ldc.upenn.edu or ccieri@ldc.upenn.edu.

We hope to see you in Portland!

Student Funding:

NSF has permitted us to allot funding to cover two days of extra lodging at the conference hotel while the workshop is taking place for a certain number of students. We predict that this will permit 10-15 graduate students to take part in the workshop who otherwise would not be able to. This funding can be applied for at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GWHT3XW if the registration webpage does not redirect you there.

• STUDENT registrants who take the survey at that address will have their information passed to LDC. Fill in the answers to the questions, and we will try to see how many graduate students can be covered. Preference will be given to students who are planning to carry out fieldwork, or who have already begun to do so. Those who will receive the funds should be hearing back from LDC within the next month, so apply now!

Accommodations: Online registration for both the Winter Meeting as well as this special workshop is available through December 23, 2011. More information about hotel room reservations, available through December 15, is at https://lsadc.org/info/meet-annual.cfm#hotel-accommodations.