Seeking Editor for American Speech

The American Dialect Society has appointed a search committee to recommend a new Editor of American Speech to assume full responsibilities no later than January 1, 2016.

American Speech, the quarterly refereed journal of the American Dialect Society (ADS), is published by Duke University Press (DUP) in Durham, North Carolina. The Managing Editor, Charles Carson, a full-time member of the editorial staff of DUP, oversees the day-to-day operations of ADS publications and the production of both American Speech and PADS. The Editor works with Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Advisory Board to evaluate and select submissions for publication in the journal in accordance with the Editorial Policy stated inside the back cover of the journal. With the Managing Editor, the Editor prepares accepted articles for publication in matters of substance, structure, and style. The Editor may also from time to time plan special issues. In addition, the Editor is responsible for nominating Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Advisory Board to the Executive Committee of ADS. The page length and deadlines of the issues of American Speech are matters of contractual obligation, and the Editor and Managing Editor must work together to assure that these are met. The work of the Editor of American Speech can be done at a distance from the DUP offices via telephone, fax, and email.

Members of the search committee are current Editor Michael Adams (; Luanne von Schneidemesser (; Connie Eble (; Kathryn Remlinger (; and Charles Carson ( ADS members who are interested in applying for the editorship or who wish to suggest candidates should get in touch with any member of the search committee by June 1, 2014.