Call for Papers 2018 Annual Meeting, Jan. 4–7, Salt Lake City
Read more: Call for Papers 2018 Annual Meeting, Jan. 4–7, Salt Lake CityFrom Thursday, January 4 through Sunday, January 7, 2018, ADS will again follow the Linguistic Society of America westward, this time to Salt Lake City, for our annual meeting at the Grand America Hotel. Monday, August 14, is the deadline…
“Dumpster fire” is 2016 American Dialect Society word of the year
Read more: “Dumpster fire” is 2016 American Dialect Society word of the yearJW MARRIOTT, AUSTIN, TX—JAN. 6—In its 27th annual words of the year vote, the American Dialect Society voted for dumpster fire as the Word of the Year for 2016. Defined as “an exceedingly disastrous or chaotic situation,” the term dumpster…
American Dialect Society 2017 Annual Meeting Schedule UPDATED
Read more: American Dialect Society 2017 Annual Meeting Schedule UPDATEDFrom Thursday, January 5, through Sunday, January 8, 2017, the American Dialect Society will follow the Linguistic Society of America to the JW Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas, for its annual meeting, including the 2016 words-of-the-year vote. Download the…