“App” voted 2010 word of the year by the American Dialect Society (UPDATED)
Read more: “App” voted 2010 word of the year by the American Dialect Society (UPDATED)WYNDHAM GRAND HOTEL, PITTSBURGH—JAN. 7—In its 21st annual words of the year vote, the American Dialect Society voted “app” (noun, an abbreviated form of application, a software program for a computer or phone operating system) as the word of the…
Nominations for 2010 word of the year posted
Read more: Nominations for 2010 word of the year postedNominations for the 2010 word of the year have been posted. The final vote will be held at 5:30 p.m., Friday, January 7th, at the Wyndham Grand Hotel in Pittsburgh. More information about the vote.
UPDATED: American Dialect Society Annual Meeting 2011 in Pittsburgh, January 6–8
Read more: UPDATED: American Dialect Society Annual Meeting 2011 in Pittsburgh, January 6–8From Thursday, January 6, 2011, through Saturday, January 8, in Pittsburgh, the American Dialect Society will hold its annual meeting, hosted as usual by the Linguistic Society of America. Read the full meeting schedule and abstracts. Updated: The schedule has…