From Joan Hall, the chief editor of the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE), a project supported by the American Dialect Society:
To celebrate the publication of Volume V of DARE (Sl-Z) and the upcoming launch of the digital edition (2013), we are having a party in Madison on May 4, 2012, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
All ADS members (and like-minded language-lovers) are cordially invited. And if you can come a day early, we hope you will join us May 3rd from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. for a mini-conference on DARE and American dictionaries. Our speakers will be Erin McKean, Michael Adams, and Simon Winchester.
A block of rooms has been reserved at
The Campus Inn
601 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53703
Toll-free number: 800-589-6285
Group Number: 118573
Group Name: DARE
Deadline for group rate: April 2, 2012We hope to see you!
Joan Houston Hall
Chief Editor, DARE
UPDATE: Please also take a few moments to fill out this survey about how you currently use DARE. The DARE publishing program has so far produced four of the planned six volumes. Alongside the continuing print program, we are about to commence work on publishing the full DARE database as an online reference resource. As we plan this website, we would welcome your input on how DARE should be presented and used online. DARE Online is scheduled for launch in 2013. You may send the completed surveys to:
Emily Arkin
Harvard University Press
79 Garden Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts
02138 USA