UPDATED: American Dialect Society Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, January 2–4, 2014

(Updated December 27, 2013.) From Thursday, January 2, 2014, through Saturday, January 4, the American Dialect Society will hold its next annual meeting in Minneapolis, hosted as usual by the Linguistic Society of America.

Download the preliminary full schedule (updated December 20), paper abstracts, and poster abstracts. These files will be updated with more details as the conference approaches.

HOTEL: Minneapolis Hilton, 1001 Marquette Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403. See: http://www.linguisticsociety.org/event/lsa-2014-annual-meeting. The basic hotel room rate is $99/night for a single or double room. Larger rooms and rooms on the Executive Level are available as well at discounted rates. Attendees should use the link or phone numbers provided (and mention the LSA meeting if they’re reserving by phone) in order to get the discounted rate.

REGISTRATION: See: http://www.linguisticsociety.org/event/lsa-2014-annual-meeting. ADS members may register at LSA member rates. ADS members who are not members of LSA may click on the large red “Register for meeting” button at the top of the page. They’ll be asked to self-identify as a student registrant or a regular (i.e., non-student) registrant, and will initially be charged the nonmember rate. At checkout, they should use the coupon codes SSREGULAR (for regular registrants) or SSSTUDENT (for student registrants).

ADS REGISTRATION: Additional and entirely optional, but those who attend ADS sessions are encouraged to register with the ADS Executive Secretary for $20, students $10. This helps defray the cost of our BYOB reception and earns you a distinctive decoration for your LSA badge.

LUNCHEON: At 12:15 p.m. Saturday, January 4. Speaker and topic to come. Menu: mesclun greens salad, cherry chicken salad sandwich on croissant, kettle chips, macciato chocolate mousse cup. Cost is $40. Students who are members of ADS may attend free. Reservations may be made in advance with ADS Executive Secretary Allan Metcalf at americandialect@mac.edu.

WOTY: The open nominating meeting for Words of the Year 2013 is at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, and the final vote at 5:30 p.m. Friday (see schedule below). Members and friends are invited to participate at both meetings.

Name of the Year: At the start of our WOTY session on Friday, we will also host the American Name Society’s announcement of its vote on Name of the Year 2013.

BYOB Reception: Cosponsored by Duke University Press, publisher of American Speech. After the Friday voting on Words of the Year, you’re invited to our annual Bring-Your-Own-Book reception from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. Bring your new book or books; we’ll have tables along the walls where you can display them.