Virginia G. McDavid, Dialectologist and Lexicographer
Read more: Virginia G. McDavid, Dialectologist and LexicographerVirginia G. McDavid, Professor of English emerita at Chicago State University, an expert on gender differences in speech, a contributor to many dictionaries, and a consultant on usage and synonyms for The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, died…
New Location for the 1999-Present ADS-L Archives
Read more: New Location for the 1999-Present ADS-L ArchivesThere’s a new location for the 1999-present ADS-L archive: Many thanks to the hardworking LinguistList team for their hospitality.
Call for nominations for two American Dialect Society positions
Read more: Call for nominations for two American Dialect Society positionsThe American Dialect Society Nominating Committee (David Bowie, Connie Eble, and Luanne Von Schneidemesser) welcomes suggestions of nominees for two positions. Member of the Nominating Committee, a two-year term, 2015 and 2016. (David Bowie rotating off.) One Member of the…