Subscriptions to the publications of the American Dialect Society are included in the cost of membership.
American Speech is published by Duke University Press on behalf of the American Dialect Society. Members automatically receive American Speech as well as the Society’s other publications. To submit books for review, manuscripts to American Speech, or studies of monograph length for PADS, contact the American Speech Managing Editor.
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American Speech
Founded in 1925 at the instigation of H.L. Mencken and Professor Louise Pound (the first woman to serve as president of the Modern Language Association), the quarterly journal American Speech is the oldest journal devoted to the speech of North America. It includes articles on all aspects of American English and a regular feature, “Among the New Words.” Annual membership in the American Dialect Society includes a subscription to American Speech with free electronic access to all current and back issues through JSTOR (1925-1999) and Duke University Press (2000-present). Members can access the journal through Duke University Press.
Newsletter of the American Dialect Society (NADS)
Formerly published three times a year, this newsletter has been replaced by ADS-M, a members-only announcement email lists. A partial archive of newsletters from 1969-2007 is available.
Publication of the American Dialect Society (PADS)
A monograph series published as an annual supplement to American Speech. PADS is also available for purchase as a book from Duke University Press and all of PADS can be read online.
ADS also sponsors the Dictionary of American Regional English, edited by Joan H. Hall at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and published by Harvard University Press. (Long-time editor Frederic G. Cassidy died at age 92 in 2000; a biography and resume of his rich career is available, PDF 452K). Of six projected volumes, Volume I (A-C) was published in 1985, Volume II (D- H) in 1991, Volume III (I-O) in 1996, Volume IV (P-Sk) in 2002, and Volume V (Sl-Z) in 2012. A sixth volume including contrastive geographic and social maps, an index to region, etymology, and usage, plus the DARE Questionnaire and some of the field data, was published early in 2013: Volume VI: Contrastive Maps, Index to Entry Labels, Questionnaire, and Fieldwork Data. On December 2, 2013, the long-awaited digital version (, was launched.
Email Lists
ADS-L is a public discussion list which anyone can join. It features much casual and academic conversation of all aspects of language. Read more about the ADS-L list.
ADS-M is a closed announcement list. Only members may join. Posts to this list include information relevant to members. It is not a discussion list. Read more about the ADS-M list.