ADS-L Archive Revision Finished
Read more: ADS-L Archive Revision FinishedThe ADS-L archive renovation is finished! You can now make faster searches using Boolean strings and other variables, and results are returned named by the original message subject. Results can also be sorted by topic (it uses a keyword indexing…
Comments on Etymology
Read more: Comments on EtymologyAllan Metcalf mentions Comments on Etymology, an on-paper newsletter edited by Gerald Cohen. Allan says, “for anyone seriously interested in the origins of American expressions, especially slang ones, CoE is indispensable. For anyone not-so-seriously interested, it’s entertaining and engaging.” The…
Jan. 1999 NADS
Read more: Jan. 1999 NADSThe January issue of the Newsletter of the American Dialect Society (a.k.a. NADS) should be in members’ snail mail boxes by now. Otherwise, you can download it in PDF format. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat to view it.
Join the American Dialect Society
Included in your membership:
- A subscription to American Speech, the society’s quarterly journal.
- One book in the PADS (Publication of the American Dialect Society) monograph series each year.
- Access to the American Speech online archive dating back to 1925.
- The society’s annual conference, held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America.
- The annual word-of-the-year vote.
- Access to the society’s member list.
- Access to the members-only ADS-M announcement email list.
- Access to the ADS-L discussion email list (also open to non-members).
- Being a part of an organization that supports the Dictionary of American Regional English.
Join here!
- American Speech, the society’s quarterly journal.
- PADS, Publication of the American Dialect Society, monograph series published once a year.
- Members-only ADS-M announcement email list.
- ADS-L email discussion list (also open to non-members).